Sunday, June 15, 2008


It's human nature to hate going to the dentists' office, but we all need it. In the seven years I've been in San Diego, I've been in search of a dentist that will simply clean my teeth well. One of the first ones I tried wanted to sell me $10,000 worth of cosmetic dentistry that my insurance wouldn't cover. When I told her I was a 19 year old college student and just couldn't afford more than the basics, she wouldn't return my calls to set-up a cleaning appointment. Another put me in the chair for an initial exam, didn't say ONE single word, then walked away and left me there for 45 minutes. Smilecare in Mission Valley did one tiny filling that was so sensitive for over a year, that it hurt when water hit the spot. Of course, they wouldn't do anything about it even though I kept calling. Needless to say, I've had some bad experiences.

In a last ditch effort to just find someone that would give me my regular cleanings, I looked for a dentist downtown. I found the office of Dr. Martina Parrone and in turn my favorite dentist, Dr. Nicole Vane. She takes my insurance, her office is clean and very stylish, she personally calls me for appointment reminders and to check up on me, and best of all she treats her patients like humans. Crazy concept, I know, but I'm totally comfortable in her office. There's flat screen tv's to distract you from what's really happening in your mouth. Dr. Vane has done my fillings and 1 cleaning so far, and I can honestly say she's the best dentist I've ever had.

If you don't know, I have this thing about needles. Especially when they're heading for my mouth. So much so that I have to take valium before my appointment just to let them put the topical numbing cream on. Last time I went in it was an emergency appointment and I ended up having to get the needle, without the valium! I swear I almost passed out at the thought. But Dr. Vane is so talented that I didn't even feel the needle shove in. At all. For the first time, ever.

She's my new best friend. Check 'em out if you're in SD.

Also, Dr. Vane has another office in Clairemont if downtown is too far for you.

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