Tuesday, January 5, 2010

TAG: Getting to Know You...

"...getting to know all about you." haha, i couldn't resist. I saw this quiz from Ondine here and decided to steal for myself.
  1. Mood: indifferent...i think??
  2. Left or Right Handed: Right, but when I was a kid I remember trying to teach myself to be both b/c 'all the artsy types are Lefties' and man I didn't want to be the square who used her right!
  3. Where do you consider home: Our new condo in San Diego, definitely. But sometimes I do tell people that I was actually born in San Luis Obispo and graduated High School in Galt (near Sacramento, in NorCal). Because technically I'm not 'from' San Diego even though I've lived here 8+ years.
  4. 3 things you're grateful for: My boyfriend, my health, not really being affected by the economy...yet
  5. Today's Eyes/Lips/Cheeks: Eyes=MAC paint pot in Painterly and MAC Technakohl liner in black; thats it, so sad. Lips=a whole lot of dry skin. Cheeks=MAC marble skinfinish cheeker in a bronzy color.
  6. Have you ever studied abroad: Umm, no. I had the chance but didn't...bad decision
  7. Do you collect anything: uhh, what? like dust?
  8. Last text you sent: To my hairdresser/friend Candice "Can't wait 2 c u tonight!" (b/c I have a hair appt!)
  9. Today's Outfit: ballet flats, my old reuhl jeans, a white tshirt, & my new Reuhl poncho
  10. This Week's goals: drink all my water, pack all breakfasts and lunches for work, dont get in an accident while driving my boss up to Pasadena for work, make it to at least 1 workout class 

    Now I tag YOU - I'd love to see you answers. xoxo


    Unknown said...

    Oooh, what are you getting done to your hair tonight? :) I think youre right about the macbook... I dont need to think about it till the end of the month anyways when I'll have enough pennies in the bank so I shall let ya know what happens ;) Thank you for the advice! Well, firstly you have to 'add a gadget' when you go to your 'edit layout' button on the home page. add the gadget that says 'html', then copy and paste the code from the shabby blogs site into that box back over on your blog edit page and it should work! Is that what you meant? If you want to make a picture link to another webpage, it should give you an optional box within the bit where you upload the picture that says 'add link', and then into that you would copy and paste the url of your twitter page (for example) so that when people click on it it takes them directly to that page.

    I hope that made a tiny bit of sense!? :) x

    Absolutely Ladylike said...

    Loved this quiz..and I love your weekly goals :-)

    Thanks for stopping by on my page, cheers: Evi

    JMay said...

    Pack all your breakfasts and lunches? That's what I need to do :-)

    Ballet shoes cute!



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